

About Us

Our Story

In the magical year of 2023, a wonderful dream took shape - LUBNASIO, a brand that loves to make women feel special by the creative designer Lubna Alloh.

We started with the finest fabrics Crafted with Love and stitched with our hearts, Each piece is a work of art, a masterpiece of style and grace.
Fashion That Speaks Your Heart

we truly believe that fashion is a way to tell the world who you are

About Us

Our Mission

Create stunning, handcrafted pieces that are as unique as you are.
Ladies You Are

Extraordinary, elegant, gorgeous, and stylish

You’ll walk into the world of confidence, and express yourself now you are already lubnasio.

With our unique prestigious journey, making each moment feel special and exceptional lubnasio is waiting for you it's an experience where fashion becomes a beautiful part of you.